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5 Steps to a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Do you need a wisdom tooth extraction? Here’s what to expect from a wisdom teeth removal appointment and how our sedation dentistry services can help make your experience more comfortable and pleasant.

Wisdom teeth are the molars found at the very back corners of your mouth and are typically the last teeth to erupt, occurring during the late teen years or early twenties. At this time, your Calgary dentist may want to assess your wisdom teeth and may recommend a removal if:

  • There is insufficient jaw space
  • You have cavities in your wisdom teeth
  • Your wisdom teeth are growing at the wrong angle, increasing the risk of tooth crowding 
  • Your wisdom teeth are unable to erupt and have become trapped in your gum or jawbone

Why do I need to remove my wisdom teeth? Not all wisdom teeth must be removed. If your wisdom teeth are causing infection, pain, swelling or soreness, your dentist may recommend they be extracted. Additionally, wisdom teeth are hard to clean, making them more vulnerable to tooth decay. Many times decayed wisdom teeth are extracted instead of filled.

Simple and Easy Wisdom Tooth Removal In Calgary With Sedation Dentistry

At our Calgary dental clinic, we provide safe and comfortable wisdom tooth removal services to improve the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. We also offer oral sedation to make your wisdom teeth extraction as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

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5 Steps to a Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What You Should Expect From This Procedure

A wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical dental procedure used to remove one or more of your wisdom teeth. Depending on the situation, this can be performed by your family dentist or an oral surgeon.

Here are the 5 steps to expect from a wisdom teeth removal procedure:

  1. If necessary, a small incision will be made in your gum so your dentist can access the wisdom tooth.
  2. Your tooth will be loosened and then extracted.
  3. Your dentist will clean the extraction site of any tooth, tissue or bone debris.
  4. The wound will be closed using dissolvable stitches to promote healing.
  5. A gauze will be placed over the wound to assist in the formation of a blood clot.

How Long Does a Wisdom Tooth Removal Take?

The time for a wisdom tooth removal will vary according to each individual patient and it highly depends on the complexity of the situation. Simple wisdom tooth extractions can take only a few minutes, while more complex cases will take longer.

Sedation Dentistry Can Make Your Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure Easier

Are you feeling anxious about your wisdom tooth extraction? Our team offers safe and effective sedation dentistry services to help induce a state of calm in our patients so you’ll feel more relaxed during your treatment.

Some of the great benefits of this service include:

  • Quicker treatment time
  • No more anxiety
  • You’ll still be able to interact with your dentist
  • Pain-free treatment

Thanks to our sedation dentistry services, you’ll be able to remain relaxed and comfortable throughout your procedure.

*Dr Korol offers oral sedation. If IV (unconscious) sedation is required, she will refer you to an excellent oral surgery office.


Call Today

To find out more about our holistic dentistry services, including sedation dentistry, wisdom tooth extractions, and safe mercury removal, contact our Calgary dental clinic at 403-245-9099 or fill in our online contact form.

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