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7 Myths About Dental Fillings Debunked by Dr. Korol Dental

7 Myths About Dental Fillings Debunked by Dr. Korol Dental

In this enlightening blog post, Dr. Korol Dental in Calgary tackles seven widespread myths surrounding dental fillings, aiming to demystify the procedure and encourage better oral health practices. Addressing misconceptions from the supposed pain of fillings to their perceived permanence and uniformity, the post emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making in dental care. It highlights that cavities are not exclusive to children, fillings serve multiple purposes beyond cavity treatment, and the silent nature of cavity development underscores the necessity of regular dental check-ups. By correcting the myth that fillings weaken tooth structure, the post advocates for early intervention to preserve dental health. Dr. Korol Dental's commitment to patient education shines through, offering valuable insights for a healthier, more informed dental care journey.

Dental health is a fundamental aspect of our overall well-being, yet it's surrounded by a myriad of myths, especially when it comes to dental fillings. At Dr. Korol Dental in Calgary, Alberta, we believe in educating our patients and the wider community to help demystify dental treatments and encourage more people to take proactive steps towards their oral health. Today, we're here to debunk seven common myths about dental fillings, shedding light on the truth to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your dental care.

Dental Fillings Are Painful

One of the most pervasive myths about dental fillings is that the procedure is excruciating. However, with advancements in dental technology and anesthetics, discomfort during the filling process has been greatly minimized. At Dr. Korol Dental, we prioritize your comfort and use the latest techniques to ensure the process is as pain-free as possible. Many of our patients report feeling nothing more than a slight pressure during their treatment, with no significant pain.

Fillings Last Forever

While we wish this were true, the reality is that dental fillings have a lifespan. Depending on the material used and your oral hygiene practices, fillings can last many years but will eventually need to be replaced. Regular check-ups at our clinic can help monitor the condition of your fillings and ensure they are functioning as intended, helping to prolong their lifespan and maintain your oral health.

All Filling Materials Are the Same

There's a common misconception that all filling materials are identical, offering no real choice to patients. In truth, there are several types of filling materials available, including amalgam, composite, porcelain, and gold. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, with factors such as durability, aesthetic considerations, and cost playing a role in determining the most suitable option for you. At Dr. Korol Dental, we take the time to discuss these options with you, ensuring you make a choice that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Only Children Get Fillings

Another myth we frequently encounter is the belief that only children get cavities and, by extension, fillings. This couldn't be further from the truth. Cavities can occur at any age, influenced by factors such as diet, oral hygiene, genetics, and even certain medications. Adults are not immune to cavities, and acknowledging this can lead to better preventive measures and treatments when necessary.

Fillings Are Only for Cavities

While cavities are the most common reason for getting a filling, they are not the sole reason. Dental fillings can also be used to repair cracked or broken teeth, teeth worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding), and more. This versatility makes fillings a crucial tool in our dental care arsenal, helping to restore functionality and aesthetics to your smile.

You Can Always Tell When You Need a Filling

Many people believe they'll know when a cavity forms or when a filling is needed, expecting pain or discomfort to alert them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Cavities can develop silently, without any immediate symptoms, making regular dental check-ups essential. At Dr. Korol Dental, our thorough examinations help detect issues early on, often before you notice anything is amiss.

Fillings Weaken Your Teeth

Finally, there's a myth that getting a filling weakens the structure of your tooth, making it more susceptible to damage. On the contrary, fillings restore the integrity and function of damaged teeth. When a cavity is left untreated, it can worsen, leading to more significant issues that compromise your tooth's strength. By filling cavities early, we help maintain your tooth's structure and prevent further decay.

In conclusion, it's crucial to challenge and debunk myths surrounding dental fillings to encourage better oral health practices among the public. At Dr. Korol Dental in Calgary, Alberta, we're committed to providing our patients with the knowledge and care they need to maintain optimal oral health. By dispelling these myths, we hope to alleviate any concerns you may have about dental fillings and encourage you to seek treatment when needed. Remember, taking proactive steps towards your oral health can lead to a happier, healthier smile. If you have any questions or concerns about dental fillings or any other dental procedures, our team is here to help. Let's work together to keep your smile bright and healthy for years to come.

Written on behalf of Dr. Korol Dental.


It's best to wait until the anesthesia wears off to avoid biting your cheek or tongue. With certain types of fillings, you may need to wait a few hours before eating hard foods.

No, fillings restore the integrity and function of a damaged tooth. Untreated cavities can lead to more significant issues, weakening the tooth more than a filling would.

Several types of filling materials are available, including amalgam (silver fillings), composite (tooth-colored fillings), porcelain, and gold. Each has its benefits and is chosen based on the tooth's location, extent of decay, and patient preference.


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