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Recovery After Dental Sedation

Recovery After Dental Sedation

It is no secret that many people do not enjoy visiting the dentist. It is natural to feel nervous before a dental procedure and it is not uncommon for patients to delay and ignore treatment due to anxiety and apprehension. Many people worry about the pain and discomfort that a dental procedure can potentially cause.

Sedation dentistry has become a very popular practice that allows patients to feel calm and stress-free during an array of dental treatments such as:

  • Teeth cleanings
  • Tooth extraction
  • Fillings and dental crowns
  • And more! 

Sedation Dentistry And Recovery

What Is Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation is presented in a pill form where the patient is required to take the medication that is typically offered in-office on the day of your appointment.  Oral sedation does not put you to sleep but instead helps you relax during the dental procedure. You will be fully awake and aware of your surroundings, however, you will feel less anxious and a bit sleepy until the sedation wears off. Oral sedation will help suppress your gag reflex, quell anxiety, and suppress pain responses to allow your dentist to perform the cleaning or procedure quickly and accurately without interruptions. Sedation dentistry is recommended for people who:

  • Have a strong gag reflex
  • Suffer from severe anxiety
  • Suffered a previously traumatic dental experience
  • Have difficulty sitting for long periods of time
  • Suffer from extreme jaw soreness and pain 

Recovery From Sedation Dentistry

Before you leave the dental office, your dentist will provide you with post-care instructions after your procedure. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities after 24 hours of being administered the drug. Some people, especially younger individuals or those in better health will be able to metabolize the oral sedation much more efficiently, resulting in a shorter duration. To ensure you fully recover from the medication, follow these post-care instructions:

Go Home And Rest

After your dentist appointment, ensure that you have a friend or family member drive you home as you will not be able to drive yourself under the influence of the medication. Going straight home and resting is the most important thing you can do to recover efficiently from your procedure. 

Eating And Drinking

After your appointment, ensure you are drinking plenty of fluids to ensure you do not feel nauseated from the medication. Avoid dairy at first and progress from liquids to soups to solid food for the first 24 hours after your appointment. 

Take Your Time

Take advantage of this downtime and relax while watching your favorite show or by taking a much-needed nap. When you are moving around, move very slowly to combat any dizziness from moving too quickly. If needed, have someone stay with you for the first three hours after your appointment to assist you with stairs and other activities you feel you may need help with.

Calgary Sedation Dentistry Services

Before you consider dental sedation, consider the procedure you are required to have performed and what your general response to dental care is. If you are putting off dental work because of fear of pain and discomfort, sedation dentistry may be the best option for you. If you ignore dental problems for too long or do not visit your dentist regularly for a cleaning and dental exam, you may be at risk of developing more severe dental problems that can require even more extensive treatments. 

If you feel stressed and anxious about visiting the dentist, inquire about oral sedation dentistry.  At Dr.Korol Dental, our team of highly trained dental hygienists understands the common fears about visiting the dentist. We provide all of our patients with a safe, stress-free environment to ensure they are comfortable before, during, and after their treatment. We offer sedation dentistry to allow our patients to receive the high-quality dental care they deserve without the added stress and anxiety. To learn more about Dr. Korol's sedation dentistry, contact our office by calling (403) 245-9099, or by filling out our online contact form.  


Q: How long do the effects of oral sedation last?
A: The effects of oral sedation can last anywhere from 12 hours to 24 hours depending on the patient. We recommend all patients wait to resume regular activities after 24 hours of their dental appointment. 

Q: Is oral sedation the same thing as general anesthesia?
A: Yes and no. Both oral sedation and general anesthesia are forms of anesthesia, however, patients receiving general anesthesia have a complete loss of consciousness whereas oral sedation allows the patient to remain awake and alert. General anesthesia is more commonly used for more invasive procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction. 

Q: Can I eat and drink prior to my dental appointment with oral sedation?
A: Patients receiving oral sedation for their dental appointment are required to stop eating and drinking six hours prior to their appointment.


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