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Calgary Dental Crowns: Transform Your Smile with Dr. Korol

Calgary Dental Crowns: Transform Your Smile with Dr. Korol

Dental crowns are a versatile solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. At Dr. Korol Calgary, we provide personalized dental care using state-of-the-art technology to ensure durable, natural-looking crowns. The procedure involves two visits: one for tooth preparation and impressions, and a second for placing the custom-made crown. Proper aftercare, including good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, is essential for maintaining your crown. Whether you need to protect a weakened tooth, improve your smile’s appearance, or complete a dental implant, our experienced team is here to help. Call us or request an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident smile.

When it comes to restoring the health and appearance of your teeth, dental crowns are one of the most effective and versatile solutions available. At Dr. Korol Calgary, we understand the importance of a healthy, confident smile and are dedicated to providing the highest quality dental care. This blog will explore everything you need to know about dental crowns, from what they are and why you might need one to the procedure and aftercare.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made restorations designed to cover the entire visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth. They are typically made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, or metal, and are designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth. Crowns not only improve the appearance of a tooth but also restore its strength and functionality.

Why You Might Need a Dental Crown

There are several reasons why Dr. Korol might recommend a dental crown:

  • To Restore a Damaged Tooth: Teeth that are cracked, chipped, or severely worn down can benefit from the protection and support that a crown provides.
  • To Protect a Weak Tooth: Teeth that have been weakened by decay or large fillings are at risk of breaking. A crown can hold the tooth together and prevent further damage.
  • Following a Root Canal: After a root canal treatment, a tooth can become brittle and more susceptible to fractures. A crown helps to protect and strengthen the tooth.
  • To Improve Appearance: Crowns can be used to cover discolored or misshapen teeth, providing a more uniform and attractive smile.
  • For Dental Implants: Crowns are used to complete dental implants, replacing missing teeth with natural-looking and functional alternatives.

The Dental Crown Procedure

Getting a dental crown typically involves two visits to Dr. Korol Calgary. Here’s what you can expect during each visit:

  • First Visit: Preparation and Impressions
  • During your first appointment, Dr. Korol will prepare the tooth by removing any decay and shaping it to fit the crown. This might involve filing down the tooth or building it up if it is too small. Once the tooth is prepared, an impression is taken to create a custom crown that fits perfectly. While waiting for the permanent crown to be made, you will receive a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth.
  • Second Visit: Placement of the Permanent Crown

Once your permanent crown is ready, you’ll return to our office for placement. Dr. Korol will remove the temporary crown and check the fit and color of the new crown. After ensuring it looks and feels right, the crown is permanently cemented into place. The result is a strong, natural-looking tooth that blends seamlessly with your other teeth.

Aftercare for Your Dental Crown

Taking care of your dental crown is essential for its longevity and your overall oral health. Here are some tips to help you maintain your crown:

  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to keep your crown and surrounding teeth clean.
  • Avoid Hard Foods: While crowns are durable, biting on hard foods or objects can cause damage. Be cautious with foods like ice, hard candy, and nuts.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit Dr. Korol regularly for check-ups and cleanings. This allows us to monitor the condition of your crown and address any potential issues early.
  • Watch for Signs of Problems: If you experience any pain, sensitivity, or notice any changes in your crown, contact our office promptly. Early intervention can prevent more serious problems.

The Benefits of Choosing Dr. Korol Dental

At Dr. Korol Dental, we are committed to providing compassionate and personalized dental care. Here’s why you should choose us for your dental crown needs:

  • Experienced Team: Our skilled and knowledgeable team has extensive experience in restorative dentistry, ensuring you receive the best possible care.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We use the latest dental technology and materials to create crowns that are durable, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: We take the time to understand your needs and concerns, providing treatment plans tailored to your specific situation.
  • Comfort and Convenience: Our office is designed to make your visits as comfortable and stress-free as possible, with a welcoming atmosphere and convenient scheduling options.

Dental crowns are a reliable and effective solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. At Dr. Korol Dental, we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Whether you need a crown to protect a weakened tooth, improve the appearance of your smile, or complete a dental implant, we are here to provide expert care and support every step of the way. Call us today or request an appointment and learn more about how dental crowns can benefit you. Your journey to a healthier smile starts here    


A dental crown is a custom-made cap that covers the entire visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring its strength, function, and appearance.

You might need a dental crown to restore a cracked or chipped tooth, protect a weak tooth, cover a tooth after a root canal, improve the appearance of a discolored or misshapen tooth, or complete a dental implant. Request an appointment with Dr. Korol today to determine if a dental crown is the right fit for you!

With proper care, dental crowns can last between 10 to 15 years or longer. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups is essential for longevity. 


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