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Different Types Of Dental Emergencies And What You Should Do

If you accidentally slice your hand open while cooking, you know you should seek emergency medical help at your local hospital or call an ambulance. 

But what happens when you have a dental-related emergency? Do you wait around until you can book an appointment with your dentist? Or do you go to the emergency room? The Canadian Dental Association notes that many dental emergencies can be diverted to an Emergency Dental Clinic rather than going to an emergency room.

Dental emergencies can occur at any time—when you least expect it, leaving you unprepared with extreme pain and discomfort. If you ignore the injury for too long, you may be at risk for permanent damage, which may require more extensive and expensive treatment in the future. 

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What Should You Do If You
Have A Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies are common, but not everyone knows how to deal with them. Any kind of dental injury can be a frightening experience, but if you do not seek medical attention from your dentist or emergency personnel, you will risk losing the tooth or even more serious oral health issues. There are two ways you can go about resolving your tooth issue or injury:

  1. Care for the injury yourself until you can see your dentist
  2. Visit the emergency room

While almost all dental emergencies can be resolved by your dentist, some emergencies cannot wait. For instance, a broken jaw or a severe laceration on the lips, tongue, or gums will require immediate assistance in an emergency room.

5 Common Dental Emergencies


Severe tooth pains and aches should never be ignored. Toothaches are the most common cause of dental pain, irritating the root of the tooth. This irritation can be caused by an infection, tooth decay, or injury. Visit your dentist as soon as possible to prevent any infection from moving into your bloodstream, which can cause severe health issues. If you cannot see your dentist immediately, apply a cold compress to your cheek to help relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Chipped or cracked tooth

Chips and cracks are commonly caused by biting down too hard, an injury, or from using your teeth for anything other than biting and chewing. See your dental emergency clinic as soon as you have cracked or chipped a tooth. In the meantime, place any tooth fragments in a glass of milk and rinse the area with warm water.

Loose or knocked-out tooth

Contact your emergency dental clinic immediately to preserve the tooth. Until you can see your dentist, rinse the tooth off with water and attempt to place it back in the original socket while lightly biting down to hold it in place. DO NOT touch the tooth by the root and only handle it by holding onto the crown. If you cannot place the tooth back into the socket, place it in a cup of milk or water.

Soft tissue injury

Injuries to the lips, cheeks, gums, and tongue are all considered soft tissue injuries. If a puncture, laceration, or tear has occurred and the bleeding cannot be controlled, visit the emergency room as soon as possible.

Object stuck between teeth

If you have an object stuck between your teeth, carefully try removing it with dental floss. Do not use any sharp objects, such as a pin, as they could poke and cause harm to your gums. If you cannot dislodge the object yourself, call your dentist to have it removed.

Have A Dental Emergency? Contact Us Today!

With any dental emergency, it is critical that you seek prompt treatment right away. Waiting too long or neglecting treatment can result in permanent damage or even worse pain and discomfort. 

At Dr. Korol Dental clinic, our holistic dentists are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral and overall well-being. We offer a wide range of services, including dental emergency care, safe mercury removal, and biocompatible dentistry to meet all your needs. To find out more, fill out our online contact form or call us at 403-245-9099.


What is the best way to manage toothache pain?

To ease toothache pain and discomfort, gargle salt water to remove bacteria from the mouth and reduce swelling. Take a painkiller such as Tylenol or Advil and apply ice on the outside of your cheek—where the area of the toothache is. Visit your dentist as soon as possible.

My teeth are suddenly sensitive, what should I do?

Sensitivity is not a huge concern, but it can point to more serious oral health issues. If your tooth sensitivity is causing too much pain and discomfort, visit your dentist as soon as possible.

How often should I visit the dentist?

It is recommended that you see your dentist at least once every 6 months.


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