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Invisalign Tips: Maintaining Your Oral Health When You Wear Aligners

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Invisalign Tips: Maintaining Your Oral Health When You Wear Aligners

Whether you wear Invisalign aligners or not, it is essential that you follow a good oral hygiene routine consistently. This includes brushing your teeth for at least two minutes twice per day followed by flossing. When you wear aligners, they create a barrier between your teeth and saliva. Your saliva is responsible for helping to clean your teeth and gums throughout the day. With the aligners creating a barrier between your saliva and teeth, bacteria can quickly build up on your teeth and in your aligners leading to future oral health concerns such as cavities. It is essential that you clean your aligners every time you brush your teeth to prevent food and bacteria build-up that can cause a bad odor and cause yellow stains on the aligners.

How To Maintain Your Oral Health When Wearing Invisalign Aligners

Have A Good Oral Hygiene Routine
Whether you wear Invisalign aligners or not, it is essential that you follow a good oral hygiene routine consistently. This includes brushing your teeth for at least two minutes twice per day followed by flossing. When you wear aligners, they create a barrier between your teeth and saliva. Your saliva is responsible for helping to clean your teeth and gums throughout the day. With the aligners creating a barrier between your saliva and teeth, bacteria can quickly build up on your teeth and in your aligners leading to future oral health concerns such as cavities. It is essential that you clean your aligners every time you brush your teeth to prevent food and bacteria build-up that can cause a bad odor and cause yellow stains on the aligners. 

How To Care For Your Invisalign Aligners
Your aligners must be cleaned several times per day to prevent food and bacteria from building up inside the aligners. Here is how to correctly care for your aligners:

  • Brush the trays whenever you brush your teeth
  • Always clean and rinse your aligners before storing them in their case
  • Soak your aligners in Invisalign cleaning crystals once per day
  • Only replace your aligners on freshly brushed teeth

Daily Habits For Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene With Invisalign 

Only Drink Water With Your Aligners In
Drinking acidic beverages or anything other than plain water (not sparkling water) can contribute to oral health risks such as cavities and tooth decay. Beverages can seep under your aligners and become trapped against your teeth. Saliva is responsible for cleaning acidic solutions off your teeth so that the enamel is not damaged. However, your aligners create a barrier between your teeth and your saliva and anything you drink cannot be properly washed away, increasing your risk increasing your risk of developing oral health concerns.

Rinse Your Mouth Before Inserting Your Aligners
Ideally, you should clean all the food debris and plaque from your teeth before placing your aligners back on your teeth again. If you do not, you will  trap all the food and bacteria between  your aligners and your teeth. This can cause staining on your teeth and aligners, bad breath, and an increased risk of developing cavities. Try your best to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth out with water after you eat. 

Invisalign Treatments In Calgary- Dr. Korol Dental

To get the most optimal results from your Invisalign treatment, it is important that you take care of your oral health correctly and ensure you follow the proper care instructions for your aligners. With the goal in mind of wearing your aligners for 22 hours per day, make sure you speak to your orthodontist about your unique lifestyle habits that may relate to sports or travel to make sure you are getting the most out of your treatment as well.

If you are interested in Invisalign treatments and want to know if it is a good fit for your oral health goals and lifestyle, book an appointment with Dr. Korol today by calling 1-403-245-9099, or by filling out our online contact form. Our dental office is a leading holistic and biocompatible dental practice in Calgary that offers dental services such as cleanings, teeth whitening, Invisalign® treatments, and more. Book your appointment to get advice from Calgary’s leading holistic dentist Dr. Korol.


Q: How often should I visit the dentist for a dental cleaning?
A: The Canadian Association of Dentistry recommends patients visit their dentist once every six months.

Q: Do I have to floss after every time I brush my teeth?
A: Yes, you should. Every time you brush your teeth, you should floss as well.

Q: How long are Invisalign treatments?
A: Invisalign treatments typically last for 12-18 months depending on your unique case and goals with your oral health and smile.


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