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The Dos and Don'ts After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The Dos and Don'ts After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. For many people, the emergence of their wisdom teeth means wisdom teeth extraction. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common dental procedure, and taking proper care of your mouth during the recovery phase is crucial. To ensure a smooth and successful healing process, it's important to follow the dos and the don'ts after wisdom teeth extraction. Here is a concise list of the essential guidelines to follow after your wisdom teeth have been removed. By adhering to these recommendations, you can promote healing, minimize discomfort, and reduce the risk of complications, allowing you to return to normalcy as quickly as possible.

Tips For Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Post-Extraction Dos

  • Follow Post-Surgical Instructions
    Carefully adhere to the post-surgical instructions provided by your oral surgeon to optimize your recovery and prevent complications.
  • Control Bleeding
    Bite down gently on a clean gauze pad or moist tea bag to control bleeding. Maintain gentle pressure for about 30 minutes to promote blood clot formation.
  • Manage Pain and Swelling
    Take prescribed pain medications or recommended over-the-counter pain relievers. Apply ice packs to the outside of your face for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling.
  • Take Adequate Rest
    Avoid strenuous activities and prioritize rest for a few days to allow your body to heal properly.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
    Carefully brush your teeth, avoiding the extraction site. Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water multiple times a day to keep the area clean.
  • Stay Hydrated and Eat Soft Foods
    Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid using a straw to prevent dislodging the blood clot. Consume soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow.

Post-Extraction Don'ts

  • Don't Touch the Extraction Site
    Avoid touching the extraction site with your fingers, tongue, or any objects to prevent infection and disturbance of the blood clot.
  • Don't Rinse or Spit Vigorously
    Refrain from rinsing or spitting forcefully, as it can dislodge the blood clot and prolong bleeding.
  • Don't Engage in Strenuous Activities
    Avoid intense physical activities that can disrupt the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
  • Don't Smoke or Consume Alcohol
    Refrain from smoking, as it delays healing and increases the risk of complications. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, as they interfere with the healing process and interact with pain medications.
  • Don't Skip Follow-up Appointments
    Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your oral surgeon to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or complications.

There are many myths about wisdom teeth, 
how they are extracted, and why you should have them removed.
We debunk those myths in True Or False: Exploring The Common Myths About Wisdom Teeth.


Holistic Wisdom Teeth Extraction At Dr. Korol Dental

Following the dos and don'ts after wisdom teeth extraction is imperative for a smooth and successful recovery. By adhering to these guidelines, you can promote proper healing, minimize discomfort, and reduce the risk of complications. Remember to consult your dentist if you experience any concerning symptoms. With patience, proper care, and adherence to post-operative instructions, you'll be on your way to a healthy and pain-free mouth.

Wisdom teeth extraction is not a blanket recommendation for everyone. The necessity for extraction depends on a number of factors, including the position, alignment, and potential risks associated with wisdom teeth. A professional evaluation and discussion with your dentist are key to making an informed decision. By considering individual circumstances and potential risks, you can determine whether or not wisdom teeth removal is the right choice for you. Ultimately, prioritizing your oral health and seeking professional advice will lead to the best outcome for your specific situation.

Dr. Korol and her skilled and compassionate team are committed to providing the highest quality and safest, most holistic approach to dental care, oral health, and overall well-being. We offer the newest and most effective treatments and technologies to support a lifetime of good health. Our practice is committed to a biocompatible approach to family dentistry. Book your appointment by calling (403) 245-9099 or filling out our online form.


The wisdom teeth extraction procedure typically involves the administration of a local anesthetic to numb the area. In some cases, a general anesthetic or sedation may be used to ensure comfort during the procedure. The dentist or oral surgeon will then carefully remove the wisdom teeth, either by extracting them as whole teeth or by making small incisions to remove them in sections. After the procedure, there will be a period of healing, during which you may experience some swelling, discomfort, and mild bleeding. Following post-operative instructions provided by your dentist will help ensure proper healing.

There are several signs that indicate wisdom teeth may need to be removed. These include persistent pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth, swollen or bleeding gums, jaw stiffness, difficulty opening the mouth fully, frequent infections or abscesses around the wisdom teeth, and signs of tooth decay or gum disease in the vicinity of the wisdom teeth. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a dental professional for an evaluation.

The recommended age for wisdom teeth extraction varies, but it often falls between the late teens and early twenties. At this stage, the roots of the wisdom teeth are not fully developed, making extraction easier and reducing the risk of complications. However, the timing may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is essential to consult with a dentist who can evaluate the specific situation and provide personalized advice on the ideal timing for wisdom teeth removal.


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