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Wisdom Teeth, Neck Pain, And Headaches: What Is The Connection?

Wisdom Teeth, Neck Pain, And Headaches: What Is The Connection?

Wisdom teeth are the four molars located at the very back corners of your mouth and are often the last teeth to erupt (break through the gums). This typically happens in the late teens or early twenties, but in some people, the wisdom teeth never emerge, and studies show that about ⅓ of people are born without them. Sometimes the wisdom teeth can grow in without any noticeable discomfort, but often people can experience common symptoms such as gum tenderness, swelling, and bleeding and may require wisdom teeth extraction. More severe symptoms can occur if there is insufficient space in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to emerge. Beyond the pain wisdom teeth can cause to your jaw, gums, and mouth, some people experience intense neck pain and headaches. So, what is the connection between wisdom teeth, neck pain, and headaches?

Wisdom Teeth, Neck Pain, And Headaches

When there is insufficient space in your mouth for wisdom teeth to emerge, your wisdom teeth can become misaligned, push against and damage your other teeth, and become trapped in your jawbone or otherwise impacted (unable to emerge). This can cause tension, pressure, and even infection. This pain is not always contained in the mouth.

Wisdom Teeth Headaches
As the wisdom teeth begin to develop and erupt through the gums, they may cause surrounding teeth to shift in an attempt to make space. This pressure and tension in the jaw can cause you to adjust your bite to avoid discomfort. Adjusting your bite position can cause your jaw to shift into an unnatural position. This tension and pressure can result in headaches.

Wisdom Teeth Neck Pain
This unnatural jaw position can also cause the joints in your jaw to become swollen. This inflammation can cause pressure against your ear structures, affect surrounding nerves, and radiate down your neck.

Other Complications

  • As wisdom teeth develop and erupt, they can also prompt gum tissue to pull away from the tooth structure causing a “gum pouch” or pocket where bacteria and infection can thrive. This infection can cause wisdom teeth neck pain and wisdom teeth headaches, and can spread and cause more complex issues with your jaw, gums, and other teeth.
  • Partially erupted wisdom teeth are also very prone to cavities because they are set so far back and caring for them as part of your regular oral care routine can be difficult. Decayed wisdom teeth can be painful and cause neck pain and headache pain too.

The Solution For Wisdom Teeth Neck Pain And Headaches
If your wisdom teeth are causing neck pain and headaches, are infected, or decayed, wisdom teeth extraction is the best option. Wisdom teeth extraction is a safe and common dental procedure and can be very important to your oral and overall health. Sedation Dentistry for wisdom teeth extraction can ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible. Wisdom teeth extraction will resolve all symptoms of wisdom teeth neck pain and headaches, and help avoid decay and damage to surrounding teeth.

To learn more about healing after wisdom teeth extraction read 4 Tips For A Quick And Smooth Recovery.

Find Relief From Wisdom Teeth Neck Pain And Headaches At Dr. Korol Dental

Seek care from your dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing symptoms related to your wisdom teeth including:

  • Tooth pain
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Bad breath or an unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Tender/bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain and swelling
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches

Wisdom teeth extraction can provide relief from common symptoms such as swollen gums and less common symptoms like wisdom teeth neck pain. Our team at Dr. Korol Dental provides Sedation Dentistry to provide patients with the most comfortable and stress-free wisdom teeth extractions.

Dr. Korol and her skilled and compassionate team are committed to providing the highest quality and safest, most holistic approach to dental care, oral health, and overall well-being. We offer the newest and most effective treatments and technologies to support a lifetime of good health. Our practice is committed to a biocompatible approach to family dentistry. Book your appointment by calling (403) 245-9099 or filling out our online form.


Wisdom teeth neck pain is just one type of neck pain that your dentist can address. Your neck pain may also be due to Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders. If you are experiencing neck pain, the team at Dr. Korol can assess you, determine the source of your neck pain, and design a custom treatment plan to help you feel better. 

At Dr. Korol Dental, we perform wisdom teeth extractions for people of all ages. We believe that the risks of overcrowding and other ailments associated with impacted wisdom teeth far outweigh the complications of removing them at a later age. To learn more read Is It Too Late To Extract My Wisdom Teeth?

Most patients feel better 2-3 days after wisdom teeth extraction, but it can take up to 2 weeks to fully recover. As you heal, you may experience:

  • Swelling: Applying a cold compress will help reduce the swelling.
  • Sore/Stiff Jaw: Jaw stiffness should resolve within 7-10 days. However, the skin around your jaw may feel bruised for up to 14 days.
  • Pain at the Extraction Site: Your dentist may prescribe medication to ease any discomfort.
  • Facial Numbness: This is less common, but some patients may experience some numbness or a tingling sensation in their face, tongue, or lips.


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