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Should Everyone Have Their Wisdom Teeth Removed

Should Everyone Have Their Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. The presence of wisdom teeth has long been a topic of debate in the dental world. While some individuals experience no issues with these late-developing teeth, others face a host of problems requiring their removal. But should everyone have their wisdom teeth removed? There are several factors that influence this decision, including potential complications, individual considerations, and the preventive approach to maintaining oral health. Understanding these factors can provide clarity on whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary for each individual. Let’s navigate the complexities surrounding wisdom teeth and help you make an informed choice about your oral health.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. These late-developing teeth often cause concerns, leading many people to wonder whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary for everyone. In this blog post, we'll explore the factors to consider when determining whether or not wisdom teeth removal is appropriate for each individual.

Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Here are some of the considerations when determining if wisdom teeth extraction is right for you or your child.

  1. Evaluation of Wisdom Teeth:
    The first step in making an informed decision is to have a professional evaluation of your wisdom teeth. A dentist or oral surgeon will assess the position, alignment, and potential risks associated with these teeth. They will consider factors such as overcrowding, impaction, damage to adjacent teeth, gum disease, and cyst formation.
  2. Potential Problems:
    While some people have no issues with their wisdom teeth, others may experience a range of problems including neck pain and headaches. Wisdom teeth can become impacted, meaning they don't fully erupt or emerge from the gum line. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain, infections, and damage to nearby teeth. They may also cause crowding, shifting, and misalignment of the existing teeth.
  3. Individual Considerations:
    Not everyone will require wisdom teeth removal. If your wisdom teeth have fully erupted, are properly aligned, and don't cause any discomfort or dental issues, your dentist may suggest monitoring them closely instead of recommending extraction. However, if there are potential risks and problems associated with your wisdom teeth, removal may be the best course of action.
  4. Preventive Approach:
    In some cases, preventive wisdom teeth removal is recommended. The logic behind this approach is that by removing the wisdom teeth before they cause problems, you can avoid future complications. Younger people tend to recover faster from the procedure, making it an ideal time to undergo wisdom teeth removal.
  5. Timing and Age:
    Timing plays a crucial role in determining whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary. If a dentist identifies potential risks or predicts future problems, early removal during the late teens or early twenties may be recommended. At this stage, the roots are not fully developed, making extraction easier, reducing the chances of complications, and easing the recovery process.
  6. Potential Risks of Non-Removal:
    Failure to remove problematic wisdom teeth can lead to various complications. These include infections, gum disease, tooth decay, cysts, crowding, and damage to neighbouring teeth. As these problems progress, the associated treatments become more complex and costly. By opting for removal when appropriate, you can minimize the risk of such complications.
  7. Individualized Approach:
    It's essential to remember that each person's situation is unique. A thorough evaluation by a dentist is crucial in determining whether wisdom teeth extraction is necessary. They will consider the specific circumstances, taking into account the potential risks, benefits, and individual preferences.

There are many myths about wisdom teeth, 
how they are extracted, and why you should have them removed.
We debunk those myths in True Or False: Exploring The Common Myths About Wisdom Teeth.


Holistic Wisdom Teeth Extraction At Dr. Korol Dental

Wisdom teeth extraction is not a blanket recommendation for everyone. The necessity for extraction depends on a number of factors, including the position, alignment, and potential risks associated with wisdom teeth. A professional evaluation and discussion with your dentist are key to making an informed decision. By considering individual circumstances and potential risks, you can determine whether or not wisdom teeth removal is the right choice for you. Ultimately, prioritizing your oral health and seeking professional advice will lead to the best outcome for your specific situation.

Dr. Korol and her skilled and compassionate team are committed to providing the highest quality and safest, most holistic approach to dental care, oral health, and overall well-being. We offer the newest and most effective treatments and technologies to support a lifetime of good health. Our practice is committed to a biocompatible approach to family dentistry. Book your appointment by calling (403) 245-9099 or filling out our online form.


The wisdom teeth extraction procedure typically involves the administration of a local anesthetic to numb the area. In some cases, a general anesthetic or sedation may be used to ensure comfort during the procedure. The dentist or oral surgeon will then carefully remove the wisdom teeth, either by extracting them as whole teeth or by making small incisions to remove them in sections. After the procedure, there will be a period of healing, during which you may experience some swelling, discomfort, and mild bleeding. Following post-operative instructions provided by your dentist will help ensure proper healing.

There are several signs that indicate wisdom teeth may need to be removed. These include persistent pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth, swollen or bleeding gums, jaw stiffness, difficulty opening the mouth fully, frequent infections or abscesses around the wisdom teeth, and signs of tooth decay or gum disease in the vicinity of the wisdom teeth. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a dental professional for an evaluation.

The recommended age for wisdom teeth extraction varies, but it often falls between the late teens and early twenties. At this stage, the roots of the wisdom teeth are not fully developed, making extraction easier and reducing the risk of complications. However, the timing may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is essential to consult with a dentist who can evaluate the specific situation and provide personalized advice on the ideal timing for wisdom teeth removal.


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